A picture i made....

Zennywop said:
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This is my first ever creation on Photoshop. Was very basic i know.

Rate out of 10 please.​

Looks okay, but when you create you're images you want to try to get some depth,blending and such. I think you have a little to much of the flames/fire in it. But since your nooby in photoshop try to look at tutorials to help you get way better.
i say....4ish.../10
Looks very interesting but is a intermediate piece to say the least I'm afraid. Did catch my eye but no real reasons for me to continue evaluating.
Follow some tuts. Just looks like you took a few pictures cut them out put them on 1 background.
DUDE, that is soo cool, id rate it 8/10, thats proberbly better than i can do in photoshop and i have been using it in my photography GCSE for 2 years, but honestly that is really good.
For a starter, it's a good job. Nice work, you should also look up some tutorials.
Looks pretty fucking sick man

I need to learn to use photoshop >.>
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