Account Giveaway #2 99Range Tank!

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I'll be giving away my Range Tank today

This is giveaway #2!

2Letter GT

Why I want the account:
what i'll do with the account:
If you had to rate your skill on RS, what would you rate it. out of 1-10:
Why I want the account: I have never had an account with a 99 on it, nor have I ever achieved 99 in a skill on my own account, so having 99 range, along with the other skills on this account would make RuneScape all the more fun for me.
What I'll do with the account: I will most likely play on it, possibly stake, surely PK. I will train the stats, and probably treat it as a main. Put membership on it, and have some fun with 99 range!
RS Skill 1-10: I have played RS for a few years, but I have yet to train an account with a skill past 80, much less a 99. I would say I am 6/10.
Misc: I hope that I win this account! I would love to have this account and I am sure I could put it to good use!! Please pick me!
Why I want the account: 99 range, it's amazing who wouldn't want it? I've always sucked at training range even though I've always wanted it.
what i'll do with the account: I'll pk like crazy. I've tried a couple times pking with 75 range on my lvl 99 but it doesn't work to well xD. 99 range tanker would be my dream come true
If you had to rate your skill on RS, what would you rate it. out of 1-10: 7, I'm good at training skills and pking but I'm not the best with money :/.
Why I want the account: Cause I am God
what i'll do with the account:Something beyond your wildest dreams.
If you had to rate your skill on RS, what would you rate it. out of 1-10:Ill rate it a 11 because I am better then anyone who has ever played Runescape ever in life.
Why I want the account: I would love to have one accoun with 99 range.
what i'll do with the account: Own everyone.
If you had to rate your skill on RS, what would you rate it. out of 1-10: 10 just because its the max number allowed
Why I want the account: I would love this account because I don't have one, I got hacked and I quit RuneScape. This account would boost me back up, and it sure does have potential. I need this account, and I'm sure everybody else posting does as well. I've quit RuneScape for 2 years, and imagine how much this would boost me up.

what i'll do with the account: I wouldn't bot it, that's for sure. It's to good to bot. I'd get 99 woodcutting for some money, and then 99 Magic, and turn it into something magnificent. I beg for you to take this into consideration. I'd also make money, and hold a contest for Rune Gear, that's been my plan for ages. I just really need the account, and I'd do anything.

If you had to rate your skill on RS, what would you rate it. out of 1-10: My account, 1. Like I said, I do not have an account, and this would help me a tonne.
Why I want the account: I always wanted an account with 99 range
what i'll do with the account: turn it members and pk
If you had to rate your skill on RS, what would you rate it. out of 1-10: Umm even tho i've played for 6 years i have never had a bank over 20m so.... 6
Why I want the account: I would like the account to further my collection of accounts I have gathered in my many years of playing Runescape.
What I'll do with the account: If I receive the account it will go nicely with my main account which also has a two letter username, 3D. I plan to legitimately train the account as this one just seems too good to bot. I would probably improve the stats to an extent at which I could take it to God Wars. If I happened to ever get its stats up high I would allow my friend to use it, who doesn't have too good of an account at the moment, so we could go to God Wars or other high leveled places together.
If you had to rate your skill on RS, what would you rate it. out of 1-10: I'd have to rate myself at 9. I'm a 6 year Runescape veteran with many accounts at my disposal. I just recently started botting low leveled accounts as I value my high leveled accounts very much.

Good luck to all contestants, and thank you for the contest.
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