Account/ Will Go For At Least $10 Bucks


Gamertag: ikillzodiac

Gamerscore: 7552

Xbox Live Gold

Games: Mars Rover Landing, Skyrim, Toy Soldier: Cold War, GALAGA and Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition

All Games, ADDONS, Gamerpics and themes can be licensed transferred

Addons: I Wont list all the addons cause theres a bunch so i will post proof below

Stats: MW3: Prestige 5 level 76
BO: Level 6

Stats: Halo Reach: Service Record Hero

Proof: Account:

Proof: Games:

Proof: Addons:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Proof: Stats: MW3:

Proof: Stats: Halo Reach:

Like I Said got 2 accounts in a trade trying to sell quick and easy trying to get rid of them

$10 dollars you can reply, and put 10 if your the first if you want to buy outbid the other guy start at 10 i will be on for 30 minutes getting off at 11 but u guys can keep sending offers

if i dont respond here message me at aim: jbortiz34
add me on skype if im not on aim: jbortiz34

please reply of what you think dont be afraid

Yo if you still have it Im interested, hmu on skype: EditsByVibe
Edit said:
Yo if you still have it Im interested, hmu on skype: EditsByVibe
i talked with EditsByVibe and it looks like hes paying me 20 for it if anyone else wants to pay more pls reply back i need to know in an hour
Decent account you have here, thanks for providing proof, best of luck selling this.
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