Account With 15th Prestige MW3

Beautiful account. Ive seen you do some HQ work lately, keep it up
All I'm saying is that this account has been passed around, so I doubt that it's secure.
I'm not trying to trash sales, and I could be completely wrong. GLWS nonetheless.
Smithy said:
All I'm saying is that this account has been passed around, so I doubt that it's secure.
I'm not trying to trash sales, and I could be completely wrong. GLWS nonetheless.

Please don't post if not true.
This account isnt worth more rhan ten dollars max. Mw3 prestiges can be modded.
hey this use to be my old main faggot MSR sold it to you?
and i couldnt get $30 for the account dude if your luku you"ll get $40 no way on 80 it has other stats too like cod4 11th 55 but that doesnt make a difference also i was wondering out of all the accounts youve been sellin do you have any with cod games on demand preferably mw3? or any other let me know ill buy but not an outrageous price
i have 2 more accounts, and yes they contain games on demand, message me on AIM im online right now and thanks for the heads up
aom is just being straight up gay lately its not working my skype is TRXXTA lets talk on there
Ya il but it for five bucks. Very generous offer
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