returned for the wildy/free trade updates after about 2 years on private servers. 2 years of updates made my account pretty behind the times and now most of what i wanted/needed to pk successfully has been completed as of last night. just quests to do now which sucks but meh lol.
i got alot of charms from botting abbys if uve seen my previous gui post i got 7k crimsons alone from botting them so far. but other than that it is rock lobsters to get 99 magic aswell as charms in which is the fastest charm collecting method if u have the money!. once i had 99 magic i botted about 1k crimsons at waterfiends tho.
bot waterfiends if u cba to get legit but if u can and can afford it rock lobsters is faster.
i got alot of charms from botting abbys if uve seen my previous gui post i got 7k crimsons alone from botting them so far. but other than that it is rock lobsters to get 99 magic aswell as charms in which is the fastest charm collecting method if u have the money!. once i had 99 magic i botted about 1k crimsons at waterfiends tho.
bot waterfiends if u cba to get legit but if u can and can afford it rock lobsters is faster.
alright alright no need to show off . in that case do barrage its alot better than burst. also jagex originally nerfed rock lobs but recently changed it back to an even better charm rate so ur in good luck
alright alright no need to show off . in that case do barrage its alot better than burst. also jagex originally nerfed rock lobs but recently changed it back to an even better charm rate so ur in good luck
id strongly suggest watching rock lob videos about luring them because if u aint done it before it can go very wrong but once u get the hang of it its veryyy easy .
also the guide says to bring the rune axe to do the doors with however jagex for some gay reason have removed u being able to do it so now u need partners. theres a cc for door partners tho.
i didnt use autoslayer i literally botted using perf fighter getting the tasks myself. not ideal but i couldnt afford autoslayer and didnt know about auth dumps when i got it like 6 months ago or so