Known issues in Adblock Plus for Internet Explorer
1. The AdblockPlusEngine.exe process starts automatically when you start up Internet Explorer with Adblock Plus. However, it won't shut down when the last Internet Explorer window is closed. Fixing this is on our TODO list.
2. The ABP icon shows up in the status bar of Internet Explorer. However, the status bar is hidden by default in newer Internet Explorer versions so this isn't a great location. Of course, displaying a hint explaining how to enable the status bar isn't a solution — we are still looking for a proper solution here.
3. Currently the ABP icon doesn't do anything beyond showing the Adblock Plus preferences. It should show a menu instead that will at least allow disabling Adblock Plus on a website without going to preferences.
4. There is no first-run page to indicate that Adblock Plus was installed correctly — this is work in progress.
5. The processing of blocking rules and especially the element hiding rules is sometimes different from Firefox and Chrome. We are working on some of the issues, others will unfortunately be unavoidable however.
6. We are still working on the performance of our solution, right now there are some issues like Internet Explorer startup being delayed by Adblock Plus (fortunately this is a one-time thing).
7. Enhanced Protected Mode of Internet Explorer 10 and Metro mode Internet Explorer in Windows 8 are two locked down environments that don't allow any third-party code to run — including Adblock Plus. So we unfortunately cannot support these environments at the moment.