Add my new GT!

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User is banned.
Its Luxurious.
Add it up and lets play homies
Do you play mw3 and mw2? If so, I will be sure to hyu!
Ok i will add you my tag is Cambodia.
that is a nice sick tag dude
I'm not on Xbox right now, but feel free to add the tags "Instinctive" and "nominate". I'll have Internet over there soon.
I would add you but you'll probably decline because my tag is not "oG" anymore since i sold my old one. My new tag is "i are Kryptic"
kryptic said:
I would add you but you'll probably decline because my tag is not "oG" anymore since i sold my old one. My new tag is "i are Kryptic"

I wont decline
I'm not a freak of ogs
But I do fancy them
Swaggy said:
WOW you changed your username again. Stick to one name.

The reason they keep changing is because every time I check to see if one is available it is. Lol
I added you also made you a pizza so again tht'll be $7.99
Not bad, I would add you if I didn't get console banned -__-
You already have me added, my tag is Organism.

Maybe we can play sometime
You guys gravedug this, I have already been through like four.
Lmao, closed.
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