Added UserBars


Some of you may have noticed that I have added userbars. Now all I have left is to make GFX group, Reviewers group, money maker group and then all of them will be set up! P.S. You can't start GFX group, or reviewers, or money maker because I'm already creating them. Also for people who do want to make their own group I have added the bg for the userbars.
Great userbars! Good job making them, there very HQ!
Skill I like the userbars but, why're they black when the site theme is white? You should either change the theme or the userbars' bg.
Legendâ„¢ said:
Skill I like the userbars but, why're they black when the site theme is white? You should either change the theme or the userbars' bg.

TBA, I think the black stands out really well under a white background.
If both were the same color it would blend in to much and possibly look horrible , but thats just my two cents.

I like how black stands out in white in my opinion, I personally prefer it, may change it to somebody else's userbars if they're good enough.
Legendâ„¢ said:
BTW what happened to the old userbars from the last forum?

I don't have the BG for the other forum userbars and they have different text on them (OM reviewers, when it should be SM reviewers).
Contact the user that made them for you, anyways the thread is still there isn't it?
Legendâ„¢ said:
Contact the user that made them for you, anyways the thread is still there isn't it?

I tried. The user won't respond. He probably quit HF.
Legendâ„¢ said:
Damn that sucks, anyways, did you buy the new userbars?

I paid $3 for them . I was going to give a minecraft account but somebody bought it for $3 so I just paid him $3.
These userbars are best there are, after HF's ones of course.
yea but imageshack is down..
I would suggest you to use your own host for this or use picoodle with registered account.
Legendâ„¢ said:
Not that hard, anyways. Skill can I get an award?

Yes, I will give all mods an award soon, but I'm doing something important atm.
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