Also; I can understand this being him @f.iction [his contact AIM is p.otentiaL]
I don't know.... I didn't edit anything at all in the pastebin. Feel free to look & have a gander. Personal shit on there or not, it's whatever. I thought it was a person I've talked t before & gained a slight bit of trust for (also, thought he gained some from me, I gave him the aim he's trying to sell to people [n.e.t]..) but that's besides the point. fact of the matter is, I gave him two accounts now - he never sent the 'screen shot' as he said he was going to after the money sent. acted shady the entire time, and I might've just gotten scammed by a dupe. whatever.
proof. or gtfo. I might just gtfo to gtfo away from people.
took it a step further, screen shotted Adium so you don't think the logs are fake. I'll screen shot the entire conversation through if that's necessary...
I'm going to sleep, pissed off, and kinda disappointed in what people do to each other over free accounts on the internet.... fuck mine & your lives (whoevers reading this), right? (in a light-hearted/spirited thought kind of way)