AIM Commands -
If you've been around AIM sites, you may have stumbled upon incomplete AIM command lists.
AIM commands are hyperlinks that AIM uses to do a range of things from setting an away message
to opening chat rooms, all through a simple hyperlink. They were implemented into AIM with AIM 2.1.
These command should all work with AIM 5.9.3861, but since they where not coded during the same
time, GoTalk for example won't work on AIM 2.1, but will work on AIM 5.5 and above since thats when
it was added.
When I say 5.9.3861 I think every 5.9 version would work with it, but I haven't tested every 5.9.x version.
Casing doesn't matter, but makes things look neater.
You can use hex in these. Example: %20 = " " and %61 = a
If something is set to true it can always be false.
In many previous AIM versions, spaces had to be replaced with + but in 5.9.3861, it is sometimes
OK to use spaces. (Example: aim:GoAway?Message=hey+i'm+away+right+now.)
You can leave out some fields in a command, but its probably going to be better to have them all there.
Example Command Format:
The Commands:
Where to find this: AIM.EXE
Command: aim:
Description: Brings up the buddy list window.
Parameters: None
This cannot be clicked through AIM, enter it into Internet Explorer or something and hit Go.
Where to find this: AIM.EXE
Command: aim: -I (with the space)
Description: Buddy list loader.
Parameters: aim: -I"Directory" (In quotes)
Examples: aim: -I"C:\buddylist.blt"
You only really need the quotes if you have a space in the directory.
If you do not have a directory just "aim: -I" will open a window to choose your own .blt file.
This cannot be clicked through AIM, enter it into Internet Explorer or something and hit Go.
Where to find this: AIMSECONDARYSVCS.DLL
Command: aim:ShareFile
Description: Share specific files or directories.
Parameters: aim:ShareFile?FilePath=FilePathOrDirectory
Where to find this: AIMSECONDARYSVCS.DLL
Command: aim:SendFile
Description: Send a file to someone.
Parameters: aim:SendFile?ScreenName=ScreenName
Where to find this: AIMSECONDARYSVCS.DLL
Command: aim:GetFile
Description: Send a get file request.
Parameters: aim:GetFile?ScreenName=ScreenName
Where to find this: ALERTUI.OCM
Command: aim:ShowAlerts
Description: Show AIM alerts.
Parameters: None
Where to find this: ALERTUI.OCM
Command: aim:SendAlertToBuddy
Description: Send an alert to someone.
Parameters: Unknown
Note: This IS a command, but it doesn't seem to do anything.
Where to find this: ALERTUI.OCM
Command: aim:AlertsInternal
Description: Alerts Internal?
Parameters: aim:AlertsInternal?Command=Command&ProviderID=ProviderID&AlertID=AlertID&Symbol=Symbol
Note: I've never gotten this to work before.
Where to find this: ALERTUI.OCM
Command: aim:ManageAlerts
Description: Opens in your browser
Parameters: None
Where to find this: BUDDYUI.OCM
Command: aim:StartAIMGame
Description: Open AIM Games choosers.
Parameters: None?
Note: You used to be able to invite screennames to specific games with this, but it seems to have changed.
Old Example: aim:StartAimGame?ScreenName=ScreenName&GameName=GameNameHere&Action=Invite
Where to find this: BUDDYUI.OCM
Command: aim:BuddyNumber
Description: Open the set buddy numbers dialog
Parameters: aim:BuddyNumber?ScreenName=ScreenName
Where to find this: BUDDYUI.OCM
Command: aim:BuddyComment
Description: Set a screenname's buddy comment.
Where to find this: BUDDYUI.OCM
Command: aim:EditZipCode
Description: Edit your location info.
Parameters: None
Where to find this: BUDDYUI.OCM
Command: aim:AddBuddy
Description: Add screennames to your buddy list.
Parameters: aim:AddBUddy?ScreenName=ScreenName&GroupName=Family
Parameters: aim:AddBUddy?ListOfScreenNames=ScreenName&GroupName=Family
If you use both ScreenName and ListOfScreenNames, it will read what you put for ListOfScreenNames
ListOfScreenNames is a list of screennames separated by commas.
Where to find this: CHATUI.OCM
Command: aim:SendChatInvite
Description: Send a chat invite.
Parameters: aim:SendChatInvite?RoomName=RoomName&ListOfScreenNames=ListOfScreenNames&Message=Message&ChatTopic=ChatTopic&Exchange=ExchangeNumber&Instance=InstanceNumber
ListOfScreenNames is a list of screennames separated by commas.
Leave out the chat topic parameter because it isn't used. It will change the user interface of the chat window though.
Exchange 4 is private chat rooms, 5 is public. For more on exchanges see the Chat Room Exchanges And Instances article.
Instance can be left out, but for a full explanation see the Chat Room Exchanges And Instances article.
Where to find this: CHATUI.OCM
Command: aim:GoChat
Description: Open a chat room.
Parameters: aim:SendChatInvite?RoomName=RoomName&ChatTopic=ChatTopic&Exchange=ExchangeNumber&Instance=InstanceNumber
Leave out the chat topic parameter because it isn't used. It will change the user interface of the chat window though.
Exchange 4 is private chat rooms, 5 is public. For more on exchanges see the Chat Room Exchanges And Instances article.
Instance can be left out, but for a full explanation see the Chat Room Exchanges And Instances article.
Where to find this: ICBMUI.OCM
Command: aim:GoIM
Description: Send an instant message
Parameters: aim:GoIM?ScreenName=ScreenName&Message=Message
Where to find this: ICBMUI.OCM
Command: aim:BuddyIcon
Description: Opens prefrences to the expressions page.
Parameters: No longer has any in 5.9
Old Parameters: ScreenName, GroupName, SRC (These were taken out when the buddy icon preferences were changed)
Where to find this: ICBMUI.OCM
Command: aim:SendBuddyList
Description: Send your buddylist to someone.
Parameters: aim:SendBuddyList?ScreenName=ScreenName
Where to find this: ICBMUI.OCM
Command: aim:GoTalk
Description: Send a talk request.
Parameters: aim:GoTalk?ScreenName=ScreenName
Where to find this: LOCATEUI.OCM
Command: aim:GoAway
Description: Set an away message.
Parameters: aim:GoAway?Message=Message&Notify=True/False&Quiet=True/False&Hide=True/False
Where to find this: MISCUI.OCM
Command: aim:SetSegment
Description: Sets the buddy list sidebar
Parameters: aim:SetSegment?Type=Type
Note: Type 1 is Communication Tools, 2 is Fun Tools, 0 is Remove Sidebar
Where to find this: MISCUI.OCM
Command: aim:EditLinkedAccounts
Description: Linked accounts management.
Parameters: None
Where to find this: MISCUI.OCM
Command: aim:AIMToday
Description: Open AIM Today
Parameters: aim:AIMToday?URL=URLHere
Note: I'm not sure if this is really in MISCUI.OCM, because I didn't see the URL parameter next to it, but it still works.
Where to find this: MISCUI.OCM
Command: aim:SetBart
Description: Sets buddy icons, expressions, sounds, smilies, etc...
Parameters: aim:SetBart?ID=BartID&Name=Name
I've never gotten this to work.
You can learn how to find different Bart IDs by reading the BIG Doc ( stuff)
Name may not be a parameter.
Where to find this: MISCUI.OCM
Command: aim:ExpBrowser
Description: AIM Expressions browser.
Parameters: None
Where to find this: MISCUI.OCM
Command: aim:GetExpression
Description: Load an expression. (Not for AIM 5.9)
Parameters: aim:GetExpression?URL=URLOfExpression
Where to find this: OSCLOGIN.OCM
Command: aim:RegisterUser
Description: Add a screenname to the sign on list.
Parameters: aim:RegisterUser?ScreenName=ScreenName&Password=Password&SignOnNow=True/False
Where to find this: OSCMAIL.OCM
Command: aim:CheckAIMMail
Description: Open your AIM mail
Parameters: None
Where to find this: OSCMAIL.OCM
Command: aim:CheckEmail
Description: Check an E-Mail Address
Parameters: aim:CheckEmail?Address=Address
Where to find this: OSCSRCH.OCM
Command: aim:FindABuddy
Description: Buddy searching
Parameters: aim:FindABuddy?Type=Email&Message=Email
Parameters: aim:FindABuddy?Type=Keyword
Parameters: aim:FindABuddy?Type=Name
Where to find this: OSCSRCH.OCM
Command: aim:SignOnAFriend
Description: Send an Email to someone asking them to register for AIM. (You must be a confirmed user.)
Parameters: aim:SignOnAFriend?BuddyEmail=Buddy'sEmailAddress&Message=Message
Where to find this: PROTO.OCM
Command: aim:EnableSNS
Description: Enabled the Screen Name Service
Parameters: aim:EnableSNS?ID=IDHere
Where to find this: RVAPPS.OCM
Command: aim:AddGame
Description: Add a game to the Add-Ins list
Parameters: aim:AddGame?Name=GameName&Go1st=True/False&HideIMs=True/False&Multiplayer=True/False&URL=URL&RegPath=RegistryPath&Cmd=Command&ServerCmd=ServerCommand&Dir=Directory&Hint=Hint
Where to find this: RVAPPS.OCM
Command: aim:AddExternalApp
Description: Add an external application
Parameters: aim:AddExternalApp?Name=GameName&Go1st=True/False&HideIMs=True/False&Multiplayer=True/False&URL=URL&RegPath=RegistryPath&Cmd=Command&ServerCmd=ServerCommand&Dir=Directory&Hint=Hint
Where to find this: Multiple Files
Command: aimrefs
Description: Open different preference pages
Parameters: aimrefs?PrefType=PreferencesPageToOpen
Note: The different PrefTypes are:
PrefType - Preference Page Name
BuddyListPrefs - Buddy List
PrivacyPrefs - Privacy
SignOnPrefs - Sign On/Off
ToasterPrefs - Notifications
IMChatPrefs - IM/Chat/Mobile
TextPrefs - Font
ExpressionPrefs - Expressions
IdlePrefs - Idle Message
AwayPrefs - Away Message
MailPrefs - Mail
StockTickPrefs - Stock Ticker
NewsTickPrefs - News Ticker
FileSharePrefs - File Sharing
FileXferPrefs - File Transfer
IMImagePrefs - Direct IM
SendBuddyListPrefs - Send Buddy List
TalkPrefs - Talk
(Does Not Exist) - Live Video
AddInPrefs - Add-Ins
SecurityPrefs - Security
Unused Commands:
These commands are not used anymore but where used in the past.
Where to find this: ALERTSUI.OCM in AIM 4.4
Command: aim:AddAlert
Description: Add alerts/Show stock ticker
Parameters: aim:AddAlert?ProviderID=ProviderID
Note: 5D5E170A-55AA-11D3-B143-0060B0FB1ECB is the provider ID in ALERTSUI.OCM
If you've been around AIM sites, you may have stumbled upon incomplete AIM command lists.
AIM commands are hyperlinks that AIM uses to do a range of things from setting an away message
to opening chat rooms, all through a simple hyperlink. They were implemented into AIM with AIM 2.1.
These command should all work with AIM 5.9.3861, but since they where not coded during the same
time, GoTalk for example won't work on AIM 2.1, but will work on AIM 5.5 and above since thats when
it was added.
When I say 5.9.3861 I think every 5.9 version would work with it, but I haven't tested every 5.9.x version.
Casing doesn't matter, but makes things look neater.
You can use hex in these. Example: %20 = " " and %61 = a
If something is set to true it can always be false.
In many previous AIM versions, spaces had to be replaced with + but in 5.9.3861, it is sometimes
OK to use spaces. (Example: aim:GoAway?Message=hey+i'm+away+right+now.)
You can leave out some fields in a command, but its probably going to be better to have them all there.
Example Command Format:
The Commands:
Where to find this: AIM.EXE
Command: aim:
Description: Brings up the buddy list window.
Parameters: None
This cannot be clicked through AIM, enter it into Internet Explorer or something and hit Go.
Where to find this: AIM.EXE
Command: aim: -I (with the space)
Description: Buddy list loader.
Parameters: aim: -I"Directory" (In quotes)
Examples: aim: -I"C:\buddylist.blt"
You only really need the quotes if you have a space in the directory.
If you do not have a directory just "aim: -I" will open a window to choose your own .blt file.
This cannot be clicked through AIM, enter it into Internet Explorer or something and hit Go.
Where to find this: AIMSECONDARYSVCS.DLL
Command: aim:ShareFile
Description: Share specific files or directories.
Parameters: aim:ShareFile?FilePath=FilePathOrDirectory
Where to find this: AIMSECONDARYSVCS.DLL
Command: aim:SendFile
Description: Send a file to someone.
Parameters: aim:SendFile?ScreenName=ScreenName
Where to find this: AIMSECONDARYSVCS.DLL
Command: aim:GetFile
Description: Send a get file request.
Parameters: aim:GetFile?ScreenName=ScreenName
Where to find this: ALERTUI.OCM
Command: aim:ShowAlerts
Description: Show AIM alerts.
Parameters: None
Where to find this: ALERTUI.OCM
Command: aim:SendAlertToBuddy
Description: Send an alert to someone.
Parameters: Unknown
Note: This IS a command, but it doesn't seem to do anything.
Where to find this: ALERTUI.OCM
Command: aim:AlertsInternal
Description: Alerts Internal?
Parameters: aim:AlertsInternal?Command=Command&ProviderID=ProviderID&AlertID=AlertID&Symbol=Symbol
Note: I've never gotten this to work before.
Where to find this: ALERTUI.OCM
Command: aim:ManageAlerts
Description: Opens in your browser
Parameters: None
Where to find this: BUDDYUI.OCM
Command: aim:StartAIMGame
Description: Open AIM Games choosers.
Parameters: None?
Note: You used to be able to invite screennames to specific games with this, but it seems to have changed.
Old Example: aim:StartAimGame?ScreenName=ScreenName&GameName=GameNameHere&Action=Invite
Where to find this: BUDDYUI.OCM
Command: aim:BuddyNumber
Description: Open the set buddy numbers dialog
Parameters: aim:BuddyNumber?ScreenName=ScreenName
Where to find this: BUDDYUI.OCM
Command: aim:BuddyComment
Description: Set a screenname's buddy comment.
Where to find this: BUDDYUI.OCM
Command: aim:EditZipCode
Description: Edit your location info.
Parameters: None
Where to find this: BUDDYUI.OCM
Command: aim:AddBuddy
Description: Add screennames to your buddy list.
Parameters: aim:AddBUddy?ScreenName=ScreenName&GroupName=Family
Parameters: aim:AddBUddy?ListOfScreenNames=ScreenName&GroupName=Family
If you use both ScreenName and ListOfScreenNames, it will read what you put for ListOfScreenNames
ListOfScreenNames is a list of screennames separated by commas.
Where to find this: CHATUI.OCM
Command: aim:SendChatInvite
Description: Send a chat invite.
Parameters: aim:SendChatInvite?RoomName=RoomName&ListOfScreenNames=ListOfScreenNames&Message=Message&ChatTopic=ChatTopic&Exchange=ExchangeNumber&Instance=InstanceNumber
ListOfScreenNames is a list of screennames separated by commas.
Leave out the chat topic parameter because it isn't used. It will change the user interface of the chat window though.
Exchange 4 is private chat rooms, 5 is public. For more on exchanges see the Chat Room Exchanges And Instances article.
Instance can be left out, but for a full explanation see the Chat Room Exchanges And Instances article.
Where to find this: CHATUI.OCM
Command: aim:GoChat
Description: Open a chat room.
Parameters: aim:SendChatInvite?RoomName=RoomName&ChatTopic=ChatTopic&Exchange=ExchangeNumber&Instance=InstanceNumber
Leave out the chat topic parameter because it isn't used. It will change the user interface of the chat window though.
Exchange 4 is private chat rooms, 5 is public. For more on exchanges see the Chat Room Exchanges And Instances article.
Instance can be left out, but for a full explanation see the Chat Room Exchanges And Instances article.
Where to find this: ICBMUI.OCM
Command: aim:GoIM
Description: Send an instant message
Parameters: aim:GoIM?ScreenName=ScreenName&Message=Message
Where to find this: ICBMUI.OCM
Command: aim:BuddyIcon
Description: Opens prefrences to the expressions page.
Parameters: No longer has any in 5.9
Old Parameters: ScreenName, GroupName, SRC (These were taken out when the buddy icon preferences were changed)
Where to find this: ICBMUI.OCM
Command: aim:SendBuddyList
Description: Send your buddylist to someone.
Parameters: aim:SendBuddyList?ScreenName=ScreenName
Where to find this: ICBMUI.OCM
Command: aim:GoTalk
Description: Send a talk request.
Parameters: aim:GoTalk?ScreenName=ScreenName
Where to find this: LOCATEUI.OCM
Command: aim:GoAway
Description: Set an away message.
Parameters: aim:GoAway?Message=Message&Notify=True/False&Quiet=True/False&Hide=True/False
Where to find this: MISCUI.OCM
Command: aim:SetSegment
Description: Sets the buddy list sidebar
Parameters: aim:SetSegment?Type=Type
Note: Type 1 is Communication Tools, 2 is Fun Tools, 0 is Remove Sidebar
Where to find this: MISCUI.OCM
Command: aim:EditLinkedAccounts
Description: Linked accounts management.
Parameters: None
Where to find this: MISCUI.OCM
Command: aim:AIMToday
Description: Open AIM Today
Parameters: aim:AIMToday?URL=URLHere
Note: I'm not sure if this is really in MISCUI.OCM, because I didn't see the URL parameter next to it, but it still works.
Where to find this: MISCUI.OCM
Command: aim:SetBart
Description: Sets buddy icons, expressions, sounds, smilies, etc...
Parameters: aim:SetBart?ID=BartID&Name=Name
I've never gotten this to work.
You can learn how to find different Bart IDs by reading the BIG Doc ( stuff)
Name may not be a parameter.
Where to find this: MISCUI.OCM
Command: aim:ExpBrowser
Description: AIM Expressions browser.
Parameters: None
Where to find this: MISCUI.OCM
Command: aim:GetExpression
Description: Load an expression. (Not for AIM 5.9)
Parameters: aim:GetExpression?URL=URLOfExpression
Where to find this: OSCLOGIN.OCM
Command: aim:RegisterUser
Description: Add a screenname to the sign on list.
Parameters: aim:RegisterUser?ScreenName=ScreenName&Password=Password&SignOnNow=True/False
Where to find this: OSCMAIL.OCM
Command: aim:CheckAIMMail
Description: Open your AIM mail
Parameters: None
Where to find this: OSCMAIL.OCM
Command: aim:CheckEmail
Description: Check an E-Mail Address
Parameters: aim:CheckEmail?Address=Address
Where to find this: OSCSRCH.OCM
Command: aim:FindABuddy
Description: Buddy searching
Parameters: aim:FindABuddy?Type=Email&Message=Email
Parameters: aim:FindABuddy?Type=Keyword
Parameters: aim:FindABuddy?Type=Name
Where to find this: OSCSRCH.OCM
Command: aim:SignOnAFriend
Description: Send an Email to someone asking them to register for AIM. (You must be a confirmed user.)
Parameters: aim:SignOnAFriend?BuddyEmail=Buddy'sEmailAddress&Message=Message
Where to find this: PROTO.OCM
Command: aim:EnableSNS
Description: Enabled the Screen Name Service
Parameters: aim:EnableSNS?ID=IDHere
Where to find this: RVAPPS.OCM
Command: aim:AddGame
Description: Add a game to the Add-Ins list
Parameters: aim:AddGame?Name=GameName&Go1st=True/False&HideIMs=True/False&Multiplayer=True/False&URL=URL&RegPath=RegistryPath&Cmd=Command&ServerCmd=ServerCommand&Dir=Directory&Hint=Hint
Where to find this: RVAPPS.OCM
Command: aim:AddExternalApp
Description: Add an external application
Parameters: aim:AddExternalApp?Name=GameName&Go1st=True/False&HideIMs=True/False&Multiplayer=True/False&URL=URL&RegPath=RegistryPath&Cmd=Command&ServerCmd=ServerCommand&Dir=Directory&Hint=Hint
Where to find this: Multiple Files
Command: aimrefs
Description: Open different preference pages
Parameters: aimrefs?PrefType=PreferencesPageToOpen
Note: The different PrefTypes are:
PrefType - Preference Page Name
BuddyListPrefs - Buddy List
PrivacyPrefs - Privacy
SignOnPrefs - Sign On/Off
ToasterPrefs - Notifications
IMChatPrefs - IM/Chat/Mobile
TextPrefs - Font
ExpressionPrefs - Expressions
IdlePrefs - Idle Message
AwayPrefs - Away Message
MailPrefs - Mail
StockTickPrefs - Stock Ticker
NewsTickPrefs - News Ticker
FileSharePrefs - File Sharing
FileXferPrefs - File Transfer
IMImagePrefs - Direct IM
SendBuddyListPrefs - Send Buddy List
TalkPrefs - Talk
(Does Not Exist) - Live Video
AddInPrefs - Add-Ins
SecurityPrefs - Security
Unused Commands:
These commands are not used anymore but where used in the past.
Where to find this: ALERTSUI.OCM in AIM 4.4
Command: aim:AddAlert
Description: Add alerts/Show stock ticker
Parameters: aim:AddAlert?ProviderID=ProviderID
Note: 5D5E170A-55AA-11D3-B143-0060B0FB1ECB is the provider ID in ALERTSUI.OCM