Alching Guide- GAIN MONEY!

Pixle Guy

Hey guys i will be updating this for the next 5 weeks and see how it goes.

Alright here's my first chart.

So uhhm just add me on msn:

Uhhm could a mod please verify this for me thanks.
I could verify it if you like, also, there is a site for this. I have included it in my mage guide.
Link to the site here.
What is this? A guide or e-book? There's nothing there.
Pixle Guy said:
Hey guys i will be updating this for the next 5 weeks and see how it goes.

Alright here's my first chart.

So uhhm just add me on msn:

Uhhm could a mod please verify this for me thanks.
lets talk on msn will add u asap
Pixle, get a moderator to verify this, nothing againts you though Maxie.
Oh, if it's free, just release it, you dont need verification of a free e-book or guide lol.
Are you giving the eBook away? If so, you don't need it to be verified.
If you are requesting members account information then it should be a service.
I can verify it's legit.
It's like a list of items that you should alch to not lose/get profit.
A guide or ebook? Where is the link? If you sold it, it should be in the marketplace.
its in a word document. Looks nicer it has color too. Trust its better then a link..
Pixle Guy said:
im not selling it im just giving it out.. i wont charge people yet . ADD ME ON MSN !!!!!! RUNESCAPE.RG@HOTMAIL.COM

You should really just place a download link and a virus scan and then lets us judge how the ebook is.
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