Alcohol vs weed


Power member.
Who here prefers alcohol over weed?? I just got wasted af on liquor at 12am lol (dun worry im on vacation) and think the high is much better like soothing af
I, personally, would much rather be high than drunk. I've been both plenty of times but I find myself much more happy and able to think well while high.
Being high or stoned is better than being drunk, when you're high you can function more.
personally ive never gotten drunk before, as much as i want to...
but i have gotten high, & it's amazing.
Yea problem for me is weed can trigger anxiety and alcohol seems to do the opposite :/
I prefer alcohol slightly over weed but my mates prefer me on weed rather than alcohol xD.
Revo said:
Yea problem for me is weed can trigger anxiety and alcohol seems to do the opposite :/

Very relatable. When I first started smoking I would ALWAYS be paranoid about the dumbest things, but as time went by, the paranoia seemed to vanish. Furthermore, I would much rather prefer smoking a nice blunt over getting "wasted".
Caskey said:
I would much rather smoke bud than drink, way more soothing and calming. You also don't have a hangover.
but yoy get that slumped phase. well ido, where i just wanna stay in bed and not move. but its relaxing
Depends what situation I'm in really, but normally I say fuck it and do them both at the same time.

but tbh if I'm at a party I'll do MDMA rather than alcohol idk it's just better
I prefer smoking over alchohol any day. even though I enjoy drinking at times, I would take a blunt over a beer.
-I dont drink too much, I know the bud wiser.
I like tree a lot more than alcohol, but i do like em both.