I decided to get all my final social mediums appraised.
Gamertag / Snugg*e
Instagram / @Spoiler
Snapchat / Star
Kik / Sync
Lmk how much $$$ I can make.
For everyone thinking I'm @Kody . I am not I'm good friends with him irl he had me put his sm's up. No negativity please and thank you. Check the ip history. I'm definitely not him.
GT: $150 would sell for sure Bin $200
IG: $50 would sell Bin $70
SC: $50-60 would be a good e whore account.
Kik: $20 kiks are kinda losing value. But put a high Bin of $50
trust me because I'm a 2012 noob. Older = Better at appraisals?