Almost blew off my leg


I dont consider myself the god of vapes but i am extremely knowledged on the subject and this story shows you that no matter if you're new to vaping or a veteran, you still can goof up​

I tend to bring my vape to class so i can vape in the bathroom when im switching classes considering i fiend my nic alot. After i sold my eGo and sigelei 30w i had no choice but to use my nemesis mech mod. So yesterday im sitting in class and all of a sudden my left leg starts burning. I touch my mod and my hand gets fucking burned so i rush to the bathroom, take out my mod and had to use my shirt to take out my battery. My​
Sony vtc4 was venting and it melted the edges thanks to my lack of thinking and that my safety ring on my nemesis completely shit on me.a few more minutes and who knows, i couldve blown off my leg and injured multiple people in my class and got charged with terrorism or some shit​

Moral of the story: never bring a mech mod to class and put it in your pocket especially if the safety is fucked up or if it doesnt have one at all.​
Holy shit dude, glad everyone is alright lol.
Exactly how does that happen? Like what caused it.
Swish said:
Exactly how does that happen? Like what caused it.

The button presses the mechanical mod completing the circuit and allowing the battery to get very hot with continual use and eventually vent.

Canon said:
Holy shit, glad you're okay man! That's insane, never heard of anything like that happening. Again, really glad you're okay though : )

Really? I doubt that. You've never heard/seen mods blowing up? Haha
Yeti said:
The button presses the mechanical mod completing the circuit and allowing the battery to get very hot with continual use and eventually vent.

Really? I doubt that. You've never heard/seen mods blowing up? Haha

Nah, I don't do much looking into vaping and such. A story or two may have crossed my timeline or someone may have been talking about it and I may have seen/heard it someone but nothing significant enough for me to actually remember.
Yeti said:
Moral: dont buy a fasstech clone!!! lolol
glad ur alright and remember battery safety bro :) use battery condoms I use them

Yeah bro i never really put any thought into it considering i usually bring my sigelei mini with me due to it being so small so the thought of me accidently pressing the button in my pocket completely avoided my train of thought lol
Horrify said:
Yeah bro i never really put any thought into it considering i usually bring my sigelei mini with me due to it being so small so the thought of me accidently pressing the button in my pocket completely avoided my train of thought lol
Yeah I just purchased an IVP Mini V2 70 watt regulated. Excited for that!
I almost blew up my leg last time the squad passed me the aux cord. Enough about me, glad you're okay homie.
Lmao, this happened to my friend with a fasttech clone he got. It only fired in his pocket for a few moments before I saw smoke and told him but it could've been worse. :p

Glad you reacted so fast, lol.
Yeti said:
Yeah I just purchased an IVP Mini V2 70 watt regulated. Excited for that!

I just copped a 4Nine authentic due to the fire button being inside the tube so its alot safer lol. Id cop a box mod but i already have a 150watt and theres no point of going out of my way and spending more on something that i basically already have

garygelato420 said:
Lmao, this happened to my friend with a fasttech clone he got. It only fired in his pocket for a few moments before I saw smoke and told him but it could've been worse. :p

Glad you reacted so fast, lol.
I legit have never been that scared before. It was enough to make me quit vaping but it was enough for me to use more precaution when going out lol
I remember the old days when I used to hit
Raheem Beams in class. Good times, good times.
Good that you're ok and didn't lose a leg though.

Edit: 69 post lolz
i was hoping this would have been a thread about someone trying to make wax.
I had a similar in class experience with my Pegasus mod. The lock ring got stuck in the off position and it was firing in my pocket.