I dont consider myself the god of vapes but i am extremely knowledged on the subject and this story shows you that no matter if you're new to vaping or a veteran, you still can goof up
I tend to bring my vape to class so i can vape in the bathroom when im switching classes considering i fiend my nic alot. After i sold my eGo and sigelei 30w i had no choice but to use my nemesis mech mod. So yesterday im sitting in class and all of a sudden my left leg starts burning. I touch my mod and my hand gets fucking burned so i rush to the bathroom, take out my mod and had to use my shirt to take out my battery. My
Sony vtc4 was venting and it melted the edges thanks to my lack of thinking and that my safety ring on my nemesis completely shit on me.a few more minutes and who knows, i couldve blown off my leg and injured multiple people in my class and got charged with terrorism or some shit
Moral of the story: never bring a mech mod to class and put it in your pocket especially if the safety is fucked up or if it doesnt have one at all.