Almost scammed me of $45. Shocker!!


I almost got scammed yesterday by this guy. He was a smooth conman and had really convinced me of shelling out $45 minimum. Read this story and be aware of such smart fools. Its a shocker!!

Click here to read the shocking Experience

Beware of such smartasses. They are all out there to scam us.
Wow.. happy you didnt trust him, that was pretty damn good scam..
Yeah good thing is that you haven't got scammed, and you reported him here
Yes, he was good at what he was doing. But not the best
You were pretty lucky....

Do not ever believe in such bullshit again :S
He must have planed this long time and he must have scammed someone with this by now. I feel sorry for them, but also i can say you did a good move by showing the others who is a scammer.
You are all welcome, friends. After reading all your comments, the feeling of TDZ being one big family just got stronger. Thanks
Thats what I was wondering. He later had a chat with me with another offer. I was laughing as he thought i still believed him. He told me that the pics were fake but what he said was real. He also added that he sold it to some other guy for $65. No reason to believe him, but if he has done so, then I can only sympathize with the guy who got scammed!!
Yea he didnt go you but so many other fell and someany people scam and i dont like it,they dont appreciate hard work of some people.
You are welcome. It had to be posted. There was no way I could delay it longer.
I think everyone who ever joined an online business must have been deceived ... I also never, but that's normal ...
great you had a narrow escape since $45 is a big money and happily you saved your money
We just need to think like a scamer to safe our self from scamers. I appreciate you to post it here.
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