Am i Gay?


Power member.
Lately i've been listening to Lana Del Rey . I dont even know why but i like it. Initially i thought her songs were geared towards girls, but i like it.

So im feeding the trolls, is @California Gay?
Never listened to anything by her before, so I can't say much. You seem like a pretty chill person.
Deuce said:
I think you're gay.
Embrace the cock.
I swear im not though.

Pan said:
Never listened to anything by her before, so I can't say much. You seem like a pretty chill person.
I like it , like idk why i just do.
Listening to artists that are girls doesn't make you gay. I guess it just how society is, just cause you listen to a girl artists they assume you're gay. The only way to determine you're gay is if you listen to the one and only girl: Justin Bieber
Brandon021 said:
Hccghcfhbcfg duvfgvcg,vvchbdygdgvgyvvggcfgvcvv!!!!!!!!



I can taste the 100% warning level already.

you are gay...................................
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