Am I reading this correct?


User is banned.

Look at the party hat "dupe" glitch thing like half way down the page.

"Jagex didn't know how the items were being created and therefore offered a reward of lifetime membership to any player who could tell them how the glitch worked. A few players came forward and with the knowledge these players provided, Jagex fixed the glitch and subsequently banned them."

Those assholes banned people after saying they would give them lifetime membership? -_-
Chewbaka said:
I think they banned the dupers not the snitches.

Why call them snitchers? We both know if jagex came to you like "teach us teh wayz 0f teh b0ttingz 4 l1f3 t1m3z m3mb3r sh1pz" you would...

But oh, I guess I was reading it wrong :L
I think they banned the snitches because the snitches were lured by the offer of lifetime. They also knew how the glitch was preformed.
Wow, i wouldn't tell them...i would just make like 400 phat sets and give them to a shit load of dif accounts..not all could get bannd...i would do it from different ip's and shit..freinds houses...etc..
Sexy said:
Wow, i wouldn't tell them...i would just make like 400 phat sets and give them to a shit load of dif accounts..not all could get bannd...i would do it from different ip's and shit..freinds houses...etc..

The glitch was during trade limit :/
Automatic Coding said:
The glitch was during classic :/

oohhh long time ago ;P
The memories C':

I miss these days.
Stop with this prove it stuff. No offence but you 2 sound like idiots.
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