Always since I've been a little kid it's always been in my mind that this is all fake. All of it and that I'm in a test to do something. This may sound totally wack, but it's what I've thought. I also feel that when I'm around certain people that they can read my mind and shit because it's part of this "Test" can someone please explain to me what I'm thinking and if you feel the same way?
Like when a fucking hot ass girl is stuck in your mind and the whole time she like stares at you so you think she can read your mind. Hella sketch bro.
I always have three theories that creep me the Fuck out.
1. We are all drooling vegetables Held in a box and we're in a simulation.
2. You fell asleep when were young and the following years are just you in a dream.
3. You got in an accident and you are in a Coma or something and Sub Consciously just living your life.
4. Half the people you see out in public or in a crowd our dead and are Ghosts.
5. When you dream you are simply Viewing the life of another's in an Alternate Universe.
I always have three theories that creep me the Fuck out.
1. We are all drooling vegetables Held in a box and we're in a simulation.
2. You fell asleep when were young and the following years are just you in a dream.
3. You got in an accident and you are in a Coma or something and Sub Consciously just living your life.
I always have three theories that creep me the Fuck out.
1. We are all drooling vegetables Held in a box and we're in a simulation.
2. You fell asleep when were young and the following years are just you in a dream.
3. You got in an accident and you are in a Coma or something and Sub Consciously just living your life.
4. Half the people you see out in public or in a crowd our dead and are Ghosts.
5. When you dream you are simply Viewing the life of another's in an Alternate Universe.
I have had this exact same thought Like what if when I die really just wake up from some machine and people are just staring at me with a disaproving face like "You are one messed up guy".
I always picture myself in one of those egg things like Sora was in when Roxas awaked him in kingdom hearts 2. I also picture my REAL family standing around it crying or something.
I piss people off at school by telling them they are just figments of my imagination in the world I create within my mind and I could erase them at any point lel.