First one to say a pickup line which I deem worthy! And also It ends when I find one so sorry to anyone who is late.

Some stats:
99 mining
90 woodcutting
91 strength

PS: this is not my account, And it also has membership! Use at own discretion!

EDIT: GUM WINS! HIS TEDDY BEAR LINE stole my heart away:p not many people turned up as quick as I thought!
I lost my teddy bear, can I sleep with you?
uzi said:
alright UHm this one GOES to GUM!!!!!

WOOHOO!!!! Super excited :D. Lol I heard that line this week during a hypnotist show. A hypnotized guy said it xD.
Woohoo on the account now :D. Thanks alot man xDxDxD.

Arg I gave my rep for the day, I'll give you +3 rep tomorrow :D.

"Hey baby I need a map, 'cause I'm lost in your eyes"
Don't want the account but.

"Hey baby were you born on a fame. cause you sure know how to raise a cock."