An oG/Semi Gamertag


hey guys im looking to buy an oG gamertag and please no crappy ones that are worth like $5 like mine lol i want a real oG i have $104 to spend please reply here of what you have im not looking to spend all my money i want to leave some for emergency purposes thank you now lets see those oGs!
i have the accounts "My Friends List", "Nirvanaa", and "Pregnant Teen" if you are interested
Poop is selling Breathing. Huggies, and Scotties. Uhm, I believe Uzi is selling programs. Those are some sick tags IMO.
Carson said:
Poop is selling Breathing. Huggies, and Scotties. Uhm, I believe Uzi is selling programs. Those are some sick tags IMO.

thanks for update if nothing else shows up i will talk to those members thank you.
Carson said:
Poop is selling Breathing. Huggies, and Scotties. Uhm, I believe Uzi is selling programs. Those are some sick tags IMO.

Breathing got sold last night my dood
Discriminate is still up for grabs I'm going to my bayhouse in a bit but I'll have my phone to check on here when we aren't doing anything.
I have the tag Scotties bro. I bought it off Poop.
i got Trademark and Possibility. Hmu, my AIM is 'hat.e' and my skype is 'h.ated'
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