And we have another :) 1v7 runescape name

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Just got another. This ones abit less cool.

Name: 1v7

Pass it over 'ere, son. Lol, jokes nice name though! How'd you get it?
Oh nice, that actually is a cool name :p
RuneScape said:
Pass it over 'ere, son. Lol, jokes nice name though! How'd you get it?

He just gets lucky and the name is available. How else? :p
Sitting here for hours getting mad names :)

Time spent : 7 minutes

3 letter names: 2, IK0 1v7

win :)
Adventurers log said the username "Armadyl" was available. It lies! >:3

Ireppgold said:
Sitting here for hours getting mad names :)

Time spent : 7 minutes

3 letter names: 2, IK0 1v7

win :)

I have a list of all available 3 letter usernames.
I'm pretty sure someone would pay like 10m for Ik0
Not even sure how that one wasn't taken.
Yes I saw the user AA1 available. I nearlly jizzed. Fk ing liers :(

Amped- said:
I'm pretty sure someone would pay like 10m for Ik0
Not even sure how that one wasn't taken.

That's what I'm hoping, I'm making pk related 3 letter names for all those pk freaks :)
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