I know a lot of people who watch Anime. I thought I would try it. However as I get the impression that it isn't quite what you would find in mainstream media, do you have any animes that people should start out watching? I don't want to watch something, decide I don't like it and swear off anime forever only to discover that the anime I watched was an exception.
Do I sound really uninformed while writing this? Probably.
Psh wow I see.
But to @Avocadogirl Just click the spoiler in my signature, just google any of those animes.
Read about them to see what genre they are etc etc. Maybe you'll be interested in one of them.
Tokyo Ghoul (Action & Just General Badassitude) Bleach (Action & Slightly Comedic) Death Note (Psychological & Action) Nisekoi (Romantic Comedy, this is my favourite Anime) Black Bullet (Action & Slight Comedy)
I know I probably said the wrong genres but that's what I'd consider them as, enjoy.