If your a fellow anime lover like me, you'll occasionally want to sit down and simply enjoy an anime. Whether its just that your bored, out of things to occupy your time, or looking for a good story to follow for a bit, you'll search the web until you find something suitable to your liking.
Here I'm just making a simple thread recommending any anime that I have -recently- seen that I think others may like. Sometimes the anime I watch are random anime that aren't well known but are good nonetheless, and some are more well-known but are english subbed, or partially dubbed and subbed.
If you aren't interested in anime feel free to ignore this thread, i'll just update it when I feel the need to share something that I have found enjoyable. Thanks
Let me start off my first recommendation of the current anime that I'm watching.
Here I'm just making a simple thread recommending any anime that I have -recently- seen that I think others may like. Sometimes the anime I watch are random anime that aren't well known but are good nonetheless, and some are more well-known but are english subbed, or partially dubbed and subbed.
If you aren't interested in anime feel free to ignore this thread, i'll just update it when I feel the need to share something that I have found enjoyable. Thanks
Let me start off my first recommendation of the current anime that I'm watching.
Steins;Gate is set in the summer of 2010, approximately one year after the events that took place in Chaos;Head, in Akihabara.
Steins;Gate is about a group of friends who have customized their microwave into a device that can send text messages to the past. As they perform different experiments, an organization named SERN, who has been doing their own research on time travel, tracks them down and now the characters have to find a way to avoid being captured by them.
MY RATING: 8.5/10
Steins;Gate is about a group of friends who have customized their microwave into a device that can send text messages to the past. As they perform different experiments, an organization named SERN, who has been doing their own research on time travel, tracks them down and now the characters have to find a way to avoid being captured by them.
MY RATING: 8.5/10