Anonymous Award Contest #2

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If you want the award and don't win, you can get it here

Every 5th poster on this thread will receive the anonymous award, as well as the first member to correctly guess my favorite color.

This contest will only be open until 20 posts.
Cool contest my man hope I win haha!
Edit: Do I win i'm post #5
So will the #11th poster get the award or 10th? Does your first post count?
Edit: So does that mean I win it cuz I was 6th? :)
Magic said:
Can we choose another member for you to grant the award to if we win?

Absolutely, you can chose whoever you want to have the award.
Emp said:
So will the #11th poster get the award or 10th? Does your first post count?
Edit: So does that mean I win it cuz I was 6th? :)

The 10th will, my post counts with it too.
Adrian said:
Hey I'm post number #5 did I win?

Yep , granted it. If this happens to be a #5 post then the 6th will get it.
I'll enter hope I win thanks for this man.
Gear said:
is your favorite color purple ?

Nope, but you got the award anyway, read my previous post :p
Posting again hoping that I won thanks again.
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