Any active currency exchangers left on here?

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Formerly @Trap
@SWS & @Prodigy are both inactive as fuck.
@Philly has been swamped with stuff as well.
Is there anyone doing currency exchanges?

Trying to do a deal with @"Craze". He needs $180 in BTC, has funds in PayPal.

Hit me or him the fuck up. Unless there's no one & I have to result to HF. Which wasn't my plan.
Emp said:
Me or @Package but I already sold most of my BTC.
GL finding someone :)
Let me know when you have more BTC funds. The odds seem slim to none for finding a "trusted" / senior member to do this for him/me.
Trap said:
Let me know when you have more BTC funds. The odds seem slim to none for finding a "trusted" / senior member to do this for him/me.

Haha man, I spend all mine on pizza and food. >.<
don't mean to be a dick but why don't you just take the paypal and risk the charge back? I can almost gurantee sws or junior will not take paypal from him
Bishops said:
don't mean to be a dick but why don't you just take the paypal and risk the charge back? I can almost gurantee sws or junior will not take paypal from him
I can wait until someone does. He has like 90% deal related reputation & he's going first. On top of BTC being nearly impossible to reverse on me, opposed to PP being as easy as a summer stroll through the park.

I'm just going to wait until he finds an exchanger. Or uses Philly.

Emp said:
Haha man, I spend all mine on pizza and food. >.<
Atta girl. Sounds like me. Seriously hmtfu when you run into more pizza money.
Trap said:
I can wait until someone does. He has like 90% deal related reputation & he's going first. On top of BTC being nearly impossible to reverse on me, opposed to PP being as easy as a summer stroll through the park.

I'm just going to wait until he finds an exchanger. Or uses Philly.

Atta girl. Sounds like me. Seriously hmtfu when you run into more pizza money.

I understand but yeah good luck with this
the homie @sos used to do this, yeah?
Random said:
the homie @sos used to do this, yeah?

I've never done currency exchanges bro 
SOS said:
I've never done currency exchanges bro 
maybe it was @SWS?

I'm pretty sure you did or someone with that name. like 99% sure.
My issue is not that I am swamped its just that i don't really desire completing any exchanges. too many people charge back, its risky/sketchy and everyone expects instant exchanges while paying with a vulnerable currency(PayPal).
If there's anything I can do to make sure there's no risk so we can do an exchange, let me know and I'll do it. I just want to exchange and get @Trap's gamertag
Craze said:
If there's anything I can do to make sure there's no risk so we can do an exchange, let me know and I'll do it. I just want to exchange and get @Trap's gamertag
PM @/Philly or @Rambo and work something out, somehow. It's not a security thing, I just don't use PayPal. Thus, needing Bitcoin.
Trap said:
PM @/Philly or @Rambo and work something out, somehow. It's not a security thing, I just don't use PayPal. Thus, needing Bitcoin.

I have PM'd both of them, and no reply yet. Hopefully I can get this exchanged soon before you get another buyer
@Random - It was SWS not @SOS LOL

I miss @Prodigy & @SWS both of my main niggas for Currency conversion :(
I still buy BTC for PP, however I'm not selling any at the moment.
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