Any levels 50-ish?


Active Member
Anyone level 49-53 wanna pk? Hop on world 137 and join my cc xAlch Snowx , I'm currently maging
Piratz0 said:
Anyone level 49-53 wanna pk? Hop on world 137 and join my cc xAlch Snowx , I'm currently maging

Dude you want to do lvl 60+ at least. 50 is wayy too low and you don't get as much loot because 70 is where people start to get 99's and buy tons of shit.
WetRain said:
Dude you want to do lvl 60+ at least. 50 is wayy too low and you don't get as much loot because 70 is where people start to get 99's and buy tons of shit.

I know this is my pure mage, anyways the trip is done, I teamed with a few people and we made ourselves 9 dbows so it wasn't THAT bad.

An admin should lock this btw
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