Anyone remember collecting beanie babies?

I have never collected them. I'm not sure if it was available in my country.
Are you guys kidding me!?! You never heard of beanie babies? Oh my gawsh...

Amd yes I collected a few..
Beanie babies are small plushy "teddies" developed by ty company. Some people use them as toys, but there was a lot of people collecting them years ago.

My mom mum had about 5 or 6 shoe boxes full of them, it really was a strange hobby.

@Noreturn's edit to the word 'mum': 'mum' is predominantly used in Britain and is also counted as a definition for the word 'mother', despite being less formal and partially incorrect, I still prefer using it over 'mom'.
I am still crazy about stuff animals even one week before Christmas i went shopping and bought myself one.
Haha. Ah, those things are pretty cute I didn't collect them though.
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