Anyone with 62 craft


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Can anyone with 62 crafting assist me? Ineed to get this urn started with an air rune so I can get 20 prayer =c
13 Frost Dragon bones on a guilded altar = 1-25 Prayer in 30 seconds.

It says a Gilded Altar is at a player owned house, what about the Chaos Altar at Chaos Temple? My player owned house is the most basic one :c

Btw I only have like 6.4m
I have 90 crafting but can't get on till tomorrow.
Ah I got some lvl 3 with like 80 crafting to help me

He had duck feet, pretty kl

It didn't even end up working so I just spent 200k on 10 frost drag bones

Now im 200k out, but I can wear bandos / arma robes while i loot