Anyone with 99 fletch?


Onyx user!
I'm personally going from 99 fletching, atm I'm at 85, almost 86, how long will it take from 86-99 doing yew long bows, or magic short bows?
can anyone give me an estimate?
I got 60-99 in 5 days.
You get 120k exp hour w/ mage longs.
Do I loose or gain money with mage longs?
I lost money because I didn't string.
Not sure though. I got mine 2 years ago.
You lose money with magic longs but here are the rates
I lost around 5M from 93 to 99 fletching.


Just check how much exp Magics give you. Then look at your EXP Till 99 ( and look at the stat table). Divide the EXP till 99 from the EXP that one Magic gives you. Then check that number, and see how many magics you string in an hour. And divide it from the number you got before.
SO i.e. 1000000/100 = ? - ?/500 = Total time.
It makes sense in my head. :|
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