Anyway to unban a perm ban.


Is there anyway I can unban a permanently banned account?
I got banned for botting, even though I didn't bot.
I tried to appeal it, but they denied it.
RE: Anyone to unban a perm ban.

Recently banned?

You can pay to get unbanned, lol, Jamflex and there money making cons
Permanently banned.
RE: Anyone to unban a perm ban.

Holy said:
Recently banned?

You can pay to get unbanned, lol, Jamflex and there money making cons

How can you pay to get unbanned?
I believe paying for unbans is a system that is currently under development. If not, I've heard someone say you can go to the homepage, go to the help tab at the top of the page, appeal bans and mutes, sign in, and there should be something about it. I have not tested this myself because I have no banned accounts.
QuackzMcDuck said:
I believe paying for unbans is a system that is currently under development. If not, I've heard someone say you can go to the homepage, go to the help tab at the top of the page, appeal bans and mutes, sign in, and there should be something about it. I have not tested this myself because I have no banned accounts.

It just brought me to the regular appeal ban screen.
It won't let me appeal it again. :p
The date was '27 - Sept - 2010'
Taryn said:
It just brought me to the regular appeal ban screen.
It won't let me appeal it again. :p
The date was '27 - Sept - 2010'
Oh, well then it must be under development, it is more than likely going to be released soon because of the fact I've heard a lot of rumors about it. Also it depends on what you did to get banned. I've heard if you got banned for Real World Trading you cannot appeal, but appealing for botting is alright.
QuackzMcDuck said:
Oh, well then it must be under development, it is more than likely going to be released soon because of the fact I've heard a lot of rumors about it. Also it depends on what you did to get banned. I've heard if you got banned for Real World Trading you cannot appeal, but appealing for botting is alright.

Okay, thanks for your help.
I got banned for macroing.
It is impossible to get unbanned as it is server side. I think they are offering a Pay to get unbanned. I think they will unban permanent bans over time, 1-2 years if I am correct.
I need more proof on this "Pay for Unbans" crap, I've never heard these rumors or anything.

Also, the "1 - 2 Year" expiration is a myth. The last mass-unban Jagex did was when RuneTek 5/6 came out [HD Graphic Update] and it didnt include Bug Abuse or Severe Macro cases.
It says on the Runescape help page that you may pay to be unbanned. But it's yet to come.
If they are allowing users to pay to they that is just wrong. This will encourage people to bot if they know that they can just pay to become unbanned.