APOCK HAS WON! Congratulations SO yeah giving away this gamertag cause i wont get offers for it and i feel i should give something so yeah... I cannot post proof cause for some reason when i go to xbox.com to sign it it just brings me to this page http://gyazo.com/29241c9a4002e0d248f05906b9e4a090 <----(its a blank screen if you couldnt tell... it doesn load :/)so yeah I promise i have the tag but giving it away! I will be using www.random.org to choose... again this is for my 400th post a little early but whatever
1. tobyMac
4.Lil b based
Post the number you want an ill update the thread.
Again the i is a lowercase L
1. tobyMac
4.Lil b based
Post the number you want an ill update the thread.
Again the i is a lowercase L