Apply for Exile

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Well-Known Member
My group exile has been made.

Hopefully i can find a good co leader and members.
Chat Lounge is has been made in The Private Sub - Forum..

For automatic entry. Prove you are active and legit in the marketplace.
Also i must accept your application. No one will be just placed into the group.

Applications are now being excepted, Thread will be made soon. In the mean time try your luck through User CP.
RE: Exile

Nice group Chill, I like the looks of it man.

I'm not going to beg for entrance but hit a nigga up.
RE: Exile

woʟғ said:
Nice group Chill, I like the looks of it man.

I'm not going to beg for entrance but hit a nigga up.


Im still undecided if i want it to be a private group or not.
RE: Exile

What does this group represent, if I may ask?
RE: Exile

Hmu chill I would love to be apart of this
RE: Exile

Well you need to add me man, it was my old alias.
RE: Exile

Chill said:

Im still undecided if i want it to be a private group or not.
You should make it a very prestigious, invite-only group, where Power+ is a requirement.
RE: Exile

damn this group is sexy as f*ck!
RE: Exile

really nice group username i seen userbars on image korner for exile so i knew somethign was up!
RE: Exile

GrƷƷd said:
You should make it a very prestigious, invite-only group, where Power+ is a requirement.

I was thinking of a buy in.

Power+ is a big enough buy in. Im not sure. Always taking suggestions feel free to pm me
RE: Exile

lmao, i smeel poop! but yeah its up to you but i wouldnt suggest doing buy ins.
RE: Exile

Idk that I'd do a buy-in necessarily, but an extremely exclusive Invitational only group with many benefits like exclusive giveaways, contests, xbox tournaments, etc. If you are going to go down that road then you should maybe get 4 quality members to start it off and have those 4 members vote whether or not certain people should get an invitation. Idk, just an idea, one of very many that I have lol.
RE: Exile

Damn. Nice group Let me know if you decide to make it non-invite only
RE: Exile

Nice group man, I will think about possibly making an actual valid app for this one once I know more :3
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