appraisal on my main gt


Well-Known Member
Wondering how much it would be worth since it changed a bit
gt:pm me for it if you dont get the hint
hint:its a semi, a place where a king lives



Stats:Level 15 or something on BF4, Max Prestige Bo2, over level 50 in gta v idk its exact level, has 1.8 kd on mw3 with 6th prestige

Xbox one:

Xbox 360:
Halo 3, Assassins Creed 2, Minecraft, NFS Undercover, Borderlands, Halo Reach, and some others not really important.

DLC:All for Bo2 (Season Pass), All Halo 3.

Only 1 previous owner which was the og one.
I like the tag so $150-$200 for only the tag. I'm not sure about the other things added in.
I'd say you can pull in $150 for this. Nice gt and account.
I would say $150-$200 depending on the buyer.
Humanoid said:
My Arm tag for this if you decide to sell it? I got an offer on mine at 150.

I'd appraise this at 150 too :)

Your tag is worth nowhere near $150 m8.
Its you who owns this tag? Damn you're on my friends list on my tag A5B.

This is easy $150 dude
Love this tag, Definitely $200 bruh