Appraise company IG

I'm not a professional appraiser but my guess would be about $20-$40 to us,
but to them it should catch a pretty penny!
Greatness said:
I'm not a professional appraiser but my guess would be about $20-$40 to us,
but to them it should catch a pretty penny!
Yea, I'm pretty sure they will be buying it off me
Don't leave anything on the table, get all that you can get!
I'm assuming there a new company and social media is very important in today's businesses.
Greatness said:
Don't leave anything on the table, get all that you can get!
I'm assuming there a new company and social media is very important in today's businesses.

They have been a company for 20+ years.

And they are involved in instagram i noticed.
oh well i never heard of them, anyways best of luck brother @Wax
if they file a Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act clause your fucked js... but if not then youll be selling for a decent amount i assume...
TrigInc said:
if they file a Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act clause your fucked js...  but if not then youll be selling for a decent amount i assume...

What do you mean I'll be fucked ? I just claimed this instagram this morning and decided to call them.
@wax doesnt matter if you claimed it this morning its not legal and they can at anytime file a class action against you for obtaining it for the sole purpose of monitary extortion and or gain, do some research for it youll see what i mean. a company just said something to me about it the other day pertaining to a twitter i made. i contacted them also and then they said that to me..

Edit: im in no way saying it isnt worth trying

i was just saying you probably should be a little more carefull who you tell that to, just bc if someone reports it for instance the account will get shut down then what do you think will happen?
how much is @Legions worth on IG?
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