[ARCHETYPAL] 100 KOINS GIVEAWAY! Join my damn giveaway!!!

@ambien the thread creator is @agony, I'm not sure if he is the one to give the koins.
Piece said:
@ambien the thread creator is @agony, I'm not sure if he is the one to give the koins.

Matigo said since Agony is over seas, he'll be giving away the koins.
Ambien said:
Matigo said since Agony is over seas, he'll be giving away the koins.

OK thanks for the clarification. @matigo your giveaway is done.
Is this still going on or what is happening?
Wanna shit post so you can get 5,000 posts? @ambien
I'm currently on 40%, life is good down here. @ambien
Rare said:
I'm currently on 40%, life is good down here. @ambien

Lucky ass nigga, I gotta wait till the 24th for my 60% to disappear.
I am back, how is everyone today? I am trying to catch some of these koinz. tyyyyyyyyyy
A whole 5 days? Good luck with that lmao. @ambien
New day, new posts niggas. @piece @ambien
Just something Piece used to always post on giveaway threads. @matigo
Ohhh stop it, you know I love a good chain yanking. @matigo
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