[ARCHIVED] 25M Posting Contest

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RE: 25M Posting Contest

Scenery said:
If this were to happen, there would be a lot of situations stirring up. By situations I mean "omgz TE dis be no fayre idk wut 2 post nd I n33d monies naooooo"
Lol, they don't deserve to win though.
RE: 25M Posting Contest

Reaper said:
Lol, they don't deserve to win though.
True, but with an army they could rant about anything and just annoy TE so he'd cancel the contest.
RE: 25M Posting Contest

Scenery said:
True, but with an army they could rant about anything and just annoy TE so he'd cancel the contest.
Anyone who complains about retarted things = warning + removal from contest? Lol.
RE: 25M Posting Contest

I would love to get half way to sponsor lol.
I have been wanting it for months, great contest.
RE: 25M Posting Contest

Good luck Sorrow, work and you can get 3rd or second place! (I have no plans on relenting my beautiful gold medal, sorry. )
RE: 25M Posting Contest

sorrow said:
I would love to get half way to sponsor lol.
I have been wanting it for months, great contest.
If I get a place, I will donate my winnings to you
RE: 25M Posting Contest

O hopefully i can Get 2nd place or 3rd at least :]
RE: 25M Posting Contest

Now lets see if i can get my points up xD
RE: 25M Posting Contest

This contest has been by far the best yet, not as much spam as the others.
RE: 25M Posting Contest

Joined late, but hey might as well give this a shot.
RE: 25M Posting Contest

Famous™ said:
This contest has been by far the best yet, not as much spam as the others.
Agreed, it's been a pretty decent contest quality wise.
RE: 25M Posting Contest

Reaper said:
Awesome, just a bit more to hold out on. This is stressful! Lol.

WOW. You are trying WAY too hard bro. When was the last time you slept?

RE: 25M Posting Contest

Another one of these contests. As I recall, the last one I joined, was canceled right once it was about to end. Kinda' sad.
RE: 25M Posting Contest

What does you mean, TE, by 50% Sponser?? Half off???

RE: 25M Posting Contest

Ven0m said:
What does you mean, TE, by 50% Sponser?? Half off???


Does, hah. Yes you only pay 50% of the normal sponsor price. A better idea is to extend this posting competition for ~1 day and 12 hours that way I'll have some time to catch up.
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