[ARCHIVED] Explanation of the issues


Onyx user!
After the past days of issues, I believe everyone deserves an explanation.

Over the last 3-5 days, our website has been under numerous DDOS attacks. Our webhoster at that time had requested that we move servers in the next 14 days due to the attacks. They were mitigated, hence why we didn't receive much downtime. 5 days later, I decided to move hosts. I purchased a 6 month webhosting plan and began using them. 2 hours after having them as our webhost, (this was when many couldn't access Rune Gear), we were notified that our servers have been subject to more DDOS attacks. They suspended our account and are sending a refund. At this time, the nameservers were still updating. We decided to move back to our old webhost, as we still had 11 days with them. This had been the 2nd change of the nameservers in under a 6 hour period.

Then, to our avail, we were offered a generous plan at $15/mo by Rune Gear's previous host. They offered DDOS protection of attacks up to 1GBit/s, the attacks we received were only 40MBit/s. We are now hosted by them, the service is extremely stable and efficient.

Due to the numerous nameserver changes, you may not have stable viewing/experience of www.RuneGear.net, give this 48-72 hours, although the changes should be stable now.

People thinking that DDOS attacks will take down Rune Gear are seriously mistaken. I've said this before, and will say it again. I'm keeping Rune Gear going no matter how small or large the attacks are. We don't comply with minuscule threats. Rune Gear is here to stay.

Please post feedback about the speeds of the server, that would be appreciated.

- The Elite
RE: Explanation of the issues

Why don't you actually make an effort to catch those fuckers. DDoS attacks are illegal and their asses should be handed on a platter to the feds.

No matter how many times you move servers, DDoS attacks will still happen.
RE: Explanation of the issues

Senku said:
Why don't you actually make an effort to catch those fuckers. DDoS attacks are illegal and their asses should be handed on a platter to the feds.

No matter how many times you move servers, DDoS attacks will still happen.

Catching a DDOS attack is almost impossible and can cost hundreds.
RE: Explanation of the issues

Haha well said, thanks The Elite.
RE: Explanation of the issues

Yeah you think this server is fast, wait till I move this site to my new server, it will be 20x faster, and ddos attacks will be solved from now on with me hosting it..

It's not easy to just trace a ddos attack, and the government doesn't investigate it unless your a million dollar company and the damages are over tens of thousands of dollars, so If you have knowledge like I do, you have the skills to stop, filter, and resolve the problem within minutes of an attack.
RE: Explanation of the issues

I do not like the idea of Ryan going to host us. I find this somehow a set up. And That someone DDoS'ed it for Ryan to get business.
RE: Explanation of the issues

Your a moron, and no one cares what you think, if It wasn't for me the site would be offline. I don't need anyone to ddos for me, if I wanted to drop half of the internet I could do it with one click, learn something before you speak, you will get more far in life.

Since you got so much to say, you go and pay $50-$100 a month for the protection this site needs and than you don't have to worry about me anymore.. I'm doing the owner a favor and hosting this site for $15-20 a month way cheaper than I would charge anyone, the bandwidth alone would cost someone $100 a month on a 40mbit/s attack, I am good friends with the owner and if you actually knew me you would know I've helped out THOUSANDS of people in my lifetime and I don't even ask for anything in return, because fact is, I'm that nice of a guy, and I am not rich nor do I got a lot of money, I started this business to make money. I host over 600 sites, this is my smallest sites, I have hosted this site from day one, and helped out the owner with everything even trying to stop the ddos attacks, so you really pist me of talking shit, I'm just done saying anything else..
RE: Explanation of the issues

Techo, just be thankful RuneGear is still alive.
A Forum with a layout this impressive & as easy to navigate as it is would be a shame to go Offline.
...If only there were more Members.
RE: Explanation of the issues

Ok, just making sure cause the ddos miraculously stopped
RE: Explanation of the issues

Ok, I'm just asking question to make sure everything is ok
RE: Explanation of the issues

Please don't flame the fellow members here man, specially the staff. It's not cool, and doesn't make you look any better.
RE: Explanation of the issues

Undo said:
Techo, just be thankful RuneGear is still alive.
A Forum with a layout this impressive & as easy to navigate as it is would be a shame to go Offline.
...If only there were more Members.

I am thankful it's up. And u was just stating that I don't like a member. He had no reason to flame me and call me a moron.
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