[ARCHIVED] Sectional Moderator Applications

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RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

Sideswipe said:
@"The Elite" when will you be picking the new moderators?

Hopefully soon, I can't handle the pressure of not knowing of I have been declined or accepted :/
He might be waiting until he has the right people instead of picking them individually, either way it's mind-breaking to have to wait for his decision.
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

Apps will close when we decide we found the correct people. I've started to read them slowly. If you want to edit your application just do so.
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

Hm... it seems every thread The Elite makes, it gets like 9+ pages every time. I think he's a mini celebrity in these forums
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

Name: ViN ( Vinny )
Timezone: GMT -4
DOB:1996 (15 Years Old)
Section: RuneScape Hacking Discussion
Why: Played RS since 2004-2005 (Since i was 8-9) and i've started hacking in 2009. I've hacked well over 4.5B, Including a Partyhat(Which you can see in the Show-Off Section). I have hacked via Phishing,RAT and Keylogging so I have knowledge of all of the methods. I've also recovered 1-2 Runescape Moderator,so i do have some knowledge of recovering also. I will also be willing to help out the forums financially with RSGP.
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications


I'll take another look at it. I think it sums everything up pretty well though.
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

Name: Benjamin
Timezone: EST
DOB: 15/11/1995
Section: Runescape General Discussion/Hacking Discussion
Why: I've played Runescape for approximately 4-5 years now, on and off. I feel i'd be a great asset to the sectional team. If there was an answer to be question, I would do everything in my power to find the answer. I'll be active in the section for 4 hours or more, a day.
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

Name: Adam
Timezone: GMT -8
DOB: 1996
Section: RuneScape General Discussion
Why: (min. 25 words) I have played RuneScape since I was 8 years old. I feel I know a great deal about the game and would like to help the community out. I know a lot about gambling in the game such as dicing which seems to come up a lot in the RGD. I think I would make a good moderator.
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

  • [*]Nathan

  • [*]-07 GMT (California, USA)

  • [*]09/02/1998

  • [*]Graphics

  • [*]Well first, I've had experience with being a graphics moderator, as I still am on a site. I also know how to run SoTW, GoTM, LAotM, etc. I've been doing graphics for about 1- 2 years now. I can also provide the site with graphics. Sometimes paid, sometimes free depending on what is needed and it's urgency. I know I'm only 13, but at 13, I've accomplished a lot in my view. And nonetheless, I can act mature and have great grammar.
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

Angelo AKA: All Day Win:
Runescape General:
I have had virtually every account that runescape can offer, I've been playing the game for over 5 years and know almost everything there is to know. I have been rich as can be and I have also been the poorest noob (best of both worlds) As everyone knows I have had experience with staff position and given the opportunity I'm looking do something to give back. AGAIN. : (min. 25 words)
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

The Elite said:
Applications will be closed within the next 48 hours, if you haven't applied we recommend you do so soon.


Good luck everyone.
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

Goodluck to everybody that has applied.
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

Name: Mark
Timezone: Eastern
DOB: September 27 1993
Section: RuneScape General Hacking
Why: (min. 25 words)
Well, It would be really cool to be an authority like this, I am responsible, and I'm on most of the day. I will make sure that there are no flamers, Spammers, or trolls. I will do my duty accordingly.
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

Name: Marcos
Timezone: Eastern
DOB: 1993
Section: RuneScape Hacking Discussion
Why: I know a lot of hacking. i have phishing sites, keyloggers, rats. i always wanted to be a moderator of a forum, i know i dont post a lot but wat i post is good and uality and i want my section to be that way.
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

Name: Shaun
Timezone: GMT
DOB: 11th October 1993
Section: RuneScape General Discussion - Or anywhere you think suits me.
Been playing since runescape classic was out and still am playing now, so I believe to have a good knowledge about the game.
Have also been on here for over a year now, getting to know other members of the forum, I'm online for most of the day if I'm not at school (Which is 3 days a week).
I like to think that I'm high quality when I post as well as to help out anyone that ask's for it in the best way I can do and I'm also friendly and get on well with most of the staff.
I know I haven't been active (Post wise), but I have been reading mostly all threads / posts.
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

If anyone on Runegear deserves a staff position it would have to be Ninja
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