[ARCHIVED] Sectional Moderator Applications

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RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

Ash Ketchum said:
If anyone on Runegear deserves a staff position it would have to be Ninja

Funny Joke.
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

Name: Brad
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
DOB: 06/04/1993
Section: Runescape General
Why: I believe I should be a Runescape General section moderator because I have a vast knowledge of the game and I have been playing since December 2004. I have also had many different types of accounts, and I know all the great training spots, armour guides, skilling guides and more. I am also friendly and willing to help everyone. I also know how to deal with myself when there is a serious situation. Also, if you're going to base your decision off reputation, come on.
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

Says the person who scammed.
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

Snickers said:
I never scammed anyone herpaderp. What I did had nothing to do with this site, just butthurt little children

What did you do then?
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

inb4 98234505873908530485 applications. >.>
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

Name: Josh - Smoke a Blunt
Timezone: GMT
DOB: 10/29.1995
Section: RuneScape Hacking Discussion
Why: The reason why I want to be a Section Moderator of the RuneScape Hacking Discussion is because I want to help the community get larger and better in size and keep people under control and keep them safe, ( in a way. ) I've been playing Runescape for quite a while now and I am pretty experienced with it all. Hope this post will drag your attention.

RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

Name: Read my user.
Timezone: Idk I live in Canada
DOB: Does it matter?
Section: Any
Why: Cause I would like to be moderator I will never abuse my powers and I will treat this forum like I treat Mcdonalds #1's I love them..
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

Someone HAS to close this.
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

No-one HAS to do anything...
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

Thought it was meant to close in 48 hours like 24 hours ago haha.
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

Name: Ben
Timezone: GMT+0
DOB: 2/4/96
Section: GFX Section
Why: Personally I feel I can make some nice GFX avatars and signatures for the community. I've made several for ADW, Duke, myself, Reaper, Gum, Chewbaka and some others. I can make anything for anyone for free, and so I think if I were GFX Section Moderator, I can keep the section clean, with HQ GFX and give a graphics service for the community.
I am also trustworthy, and not everyone may know it, so it's a way to prove I am. I do not abuse powers and go power-hungry, I keep HQ and only post when is necessary for my or someone else's benefit.
If you would like to see some of my work, click..

RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

Name: Project-
Timezone: GMT -4
DOB: 9/19/1995
Section: GFX Section
Some Of My Work:

Why: Because of my stay here at RuneGear, i'm interested in seeing how the GFX section will turn out if i was a Sectional. I've used photoshop for quite some time now, and i feel it's necessary to start posting tutorials, and start helping the community.
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

Applications close tonight, in 4 hours. Get your apps in now.
RE: Sectional Moderator Applications

Looks like you guys are going to have your hands full when it comes to selecting a winner/applicant for the position. :happy2:
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