[ARCHIVED] Win 40M for Easter!

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RE: Win 40M for Easter!

I pick number 194. Thanks so much RG.
RE: Win 40M for Easter!

I'll choose 133, if it's chosen then 192, otherwise 199.


Best Regards,

RE: Win 40M for Easter!

69, if not taken. If taken, the next number closest to zero. If all numbers are taken, I still pick 69. Whoever picked 69 is probably an inactive account.
RE: Win 40M for Easter!

I'll pick number 66. Thank you, runegear, for sending these kind emails. =0
RE: Win 40M for Easter!

I choose 25, because its my birthday day.
RE: Win 40M for Easter!

I will choose number 157 if available.
RE: Win 40M for Easter!

I will choose #188. I like the number 8 because you can keep drawing it without lifting up your pen or pencil.
RE: Win 40M for Easter!

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Ya see this TE?? JUST from the last page those are the members who are going for this lol, they come for the money and stay for the..... They don't stay, leechers/trollers/faggots, much like myself are the members you're attracting with these shitty contests and the post whoring ones aren't much better, THINK OF SOME BETTER WAYS TO ATTRACT GENUINE MEMBERS BRAHHHH......
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