Alright, so this is my first debate[/b] and ill try my best to get this going! What do you guys think? in my opinion children's rights will never be fully attained due to the fact that some third-world countries have economies that rely on child labor. What are your thaughts?
True, globalization has had many affects on children's rights in third world countries but he needs to more specific as to what rights to talk about i.e (right to vote, to get married, to work, etc.) Without being specific the topic is very general and difficult to debate about due to the amount of factors there are :/
in general, will children's rights be attained. This signifies that all rights of children. For example smacking your child is against a children's right but parent's still do it. Things like that. Big or small.
Smacking someone isn't taking away their rights. Lol. That's just being a dick. Nope, they never will be because adults think they're better in some way an younger people are wrong. Which isn't always true. But we'll all do it as well, never ending cycle.
in general, will children's rights be attained. This signifies that all rights of children. For example smacking your child is against a children's right but parent's still do it. Things like that. Big or small.
Well, there's a lot of children's rights they won't be able to get, however, I find it likely that there will be some more child labor and child abuse laws in foreign countries in the future.