shitty state .smell like the piss and shit, "the Natural State" ye definitely i'ts complet shit ,very naturally . the road construction is gayh as fucg,, they been fowrking this shit construction wroker out in the day pissing on orange cones, poor af state, pls never go there,.. difference betrween roads between texas and arkasnas is very appearnet. ,the texas roads are good, dark colorr very nice. arkansas roads practically abandonedd and terrible, lght color shit af , bumpy af, as crackd as fuck. arkannsnas have tall trees, better cut that shit down; replant replatnt and then sell the fuckin julumber sell for money, poor as shit state, like #48 rochest or somethin. arknasas rasserbacks r shit also, fuck em. their flag is gay as shit also. >having text on your flag. stupid arkansas probably still has niggesr picking cotton or somethin idk. dumb af.