Art Smither


Onyx user!
Hello, from eape. This is my guide to the minigame Artisan Anvil Smithing

Is this minigame bottable: Yes
Does this minigame offer good xp/hr: Yes, up too 200k/hr
Artisan workshop( Req. Lvl 30+ smithing)


1. Directions-You can find artisan smithing by using Falador teleport And walking to the east on
the path once you see a fountain go south and you should be there.

2. Inventory-What you will need to complete the artisan workshop minigame.
- Hammer (prefferable golden hammer then you can do 28 instead of 27 ingots)

3. Ore
- Iron The giant smithing machine can hold up too 4000 iron ore.(noted)
- Coal the giant smithing machine can hold up too 8000 coal ore.(noted
- Mithril the giant smithing machine can hold up too mithril ore.(noted)
- adamantite the giant smithing machine can hold up too adamantite ore.(noted
- Rune the giant smithing machine can hold up too rune ore.(noted)

4. How to play the artisan workshop minigame.
- First you will have to step into the area where the 4 anvils are.
- Then you will see a icon on the top of your screen saying what kind of dwarven armor
peice to make. (Helm, Gauntlets, Boots, Platebody)
- Withdraw Ingots from the smithing machine it doesnt matter the type you withdraw
(Iron I-III, Steel I-III, Mithril I-III, Adamantite I-III, Rune I-III)
- Finally make the type of armor(by 5's)
- Deposit armor.
- Repeat steps ^
- Rewards - to gain rewards you need to follow the intructions on what peice of armor to
make. By doing that you will gain "Respect" and with certain % of respect you can buy
rewards like Ceromonial sword plans

5. Ceromonial swords. (req Lvl 70+)
- Before you can make any ceromonial swords you need to play the minigame.^^^
- Once you have a ceromonial sword plan You Will need to follow these steps.
- "get plans" from the dwarf on the north side of the smithing machine.
- Go to the entrance of the Artisan workshop and get a normal hammer and tongs.
- withdraw 27 Iron Ingot IV.
- Use the Iron Ingot's on the Open ranges By the anvils.
- Use the "Heated Iron Ingot IV" on the anvil
- Follow the sword plans and make your sword
Tips -softly you will "dent" 1-2
-Medium you will "dent" 1-4
-Hard you will "dent" 3-5 (6 on a rare occasion)

Hope you like the guide!
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