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Question; are you even considering vixen as mod?

@"Vixen" seriously, you try WAY too hard because you KNOW there's a chance of a mod position, you need to grow up and realize being mod of a runescape site isn't what dreams are meant to be about.
@Ireppgold Finally spoke some sense for once. Totally agree'd.

What are you doing to increase site traffic?
How is increasing site traffic going for you?
Have you contemplated giving up RuneGear lately?
We're actually deciding on mods right now. I don't dislike anyone on this forum, I have a positive opinion for MOST people, excluding a few bunch who probably know who they are.

Also, site traffic oddly enough has increased, and we're still an RS forum, which is quite funny. I'm actually contemplating moving the forum completely to an MMORPG based forum, not sure so opinions would help.
@The Elite

My honest opinion; I don't care, I will still take part in the Runescape section, in the end it's your decision, having sections for other games wouldn't hurt.
If you may answer, what new updates are to come in December to February?
Ireppgold said:
Question; are you even considering vixen as mod?

@"Vixen" seriously, you try WAY too hard because you KNOW there's a chance of a mod position, you need to grow up and realize being mod of a runescape site isn't what dreams are meant to be about.

That just shows you how loyal I am to Rune Gear's community then, doesnt it?
Honestly, I don't want no beef with anybody, @"Ireppgold", but if somebody is going to start beef with me for no reason, then I am not afraid to dish it right back out.
Since it's the holidays, I'll change my statement towards you in your rep.

What about CrystuL, he's really bummed out that since bottings dead his section doesn't get traffic, you should consider asking if he would want to be moved to a more active section he's a good mod.
I agree with Carbon. @"CrystuL" is a great mod. His section is inactive, and will always be. So he should have first dibs at a new section.

@"The Elite", what are your plans for the new year of 2012!?
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