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Astral Projection


Active Member
What are you thoughts on this?

Basically, when you sleep at night your body is put in a temporary paralyzation. So, while you are dreaming and moving about within your dream, your physical body isn't moving along aswell, but most people will never experience this because they are already sound asleep.

However, many people say you can "Astral Project." Which is being conscious while your body is basically shutting its self down and temporary paralyzing your muscles. After the stage of being paralyzed if you remain calm and basically keep your eyes closed and meditate you will begin hearing strange noises and vibrations through out your body.

At some point you are basically dreaming but your are conscious. At this point you can actually get up out of your body and walk around as if you are awake. In this case you can do basically what ever you please. You can also actually look down at the bed and see your physical body.

More in depth about your body shutting down or the actual term being "Sleep Paralysis." If you lay on your back in your bed while being relaxed long enough you will usually get a urge to turn over or move wouldn't you? That is your body sending signals trying to figure out if your mind is falling a sleep or not and for your body to begin shutting down your muscles. If you were to flip over or turn about your body would know your not a sleep yet. However, if you do not move and just wait, you will start feeling your muscles tingle and shut down one by one. Now the urge to move or flip over will get worse and worse until it finally stops. That is your body making sure you are not awake before shutting down. Once the sleep paralysis stage is complete you can not move your body unless you forcefully try do so for a few minutes eventually your body will move.

Once the sleep paralysis is done lay in your bed with your eyes closed (They should have been closed to begin with) and basically meditate. Now what I mean is try and concentrate on something while basically falling a sleep but don't let your mind stray away into dream land. You then start to hear strange and loud noises and feel vibrations through out your body. That is your brain shutting down parts of itself and going into a dream state. Eventually the sounds and vibrations will stop. You can then try to get up out of your bed, if you are able to do so without waking up you are now consciously dreaming and can go about doing what ever you please. These are also called "Out of body experiences."

Now they say if you think too hard or get to excited knowing that you are dreaming you will wake up.

Some of my information may be a little off but this is the basic meaning of astral projection or "Out of body experiences."


I had experienced it once when I was in college but it wasn't deliberate. I mean I never wanted it to happen it just did. I just saw myself getting out of my body and when I tried to get back in it was funny cause I really did position myself to the exact position of my body while sleeping. Let me share one article about astral projection which I found online.

Astral Projection: You Can Do It Too
By Stephen Wagner

Everyone can have an out-of-body experience, says expert Jerry Gross - in fact, you probably have. In this interview, Gross explains OBEs, what happens and how to begin your adventure

When noted out-of-body teacher and practitioner Jerry Gross wants to travel long distances, he doesn't bother with the time and expense of catching a plane. He just uses a different kind of plane, and travels there astrally - unless, of course, he is teaching one of his many classes and workshops on astral projection, also known as OBE or out-of-body experience.

According to Gross, the ability to leave the body has been with him since childhood. Yet, rather than regarding this as a special gift, he believes that this is an inherent ability that can be developed by anyone. In the following article, Gross discusses the out-of-body experience with freelance writer and former workshop participant Sandy Jones.

Jones: What is astral projection? How would you describe it?

Gross: Astral projection is the ability to leave your body. Everyone leaves their body at night, but before they do leave, they have to put the physical mind to sleep. Most people don't remember this, but when the physical mind is asleep, the subconscious takes over, and this is usually when you do your astral projection. In other words, everybody does it, but they just don't remember doing it.

Jones: What is your earliest recollection of doing this? What was it like?

Gross: I can remember doing this clear back to when I was about four years old. I never lost the ability to astral project, and kept it throughout my whole life now. Everyone is born with this ability. If you think back, you can probably recall having dreams of being somewhere, but as you got older, you lost the ability. What I'm trying to teach is that you can do this at will.

Jones: In those days, astral projection was almost unheard of. Did you ever tell anyone about it? How did they react?

Gross: It was strange for me because at that age, I thought everybody did it. I used to talk about it, until it kind of got out of hand, and when I started getting into trouble with it, I went to my grandmother, who could do it too. She told me not everyone could do it, so it would be best not to talk about it, and to come to here if I wanted to talk about it. So throughout all my life, most of my experiences with astral projection were kept a secret, except for her.

Jones: These days, with the many publications on near-death experience and related topics, the concept is not so unusual. Is this experience the same as what is described in the near-death experiences?

Gross: It's not quite the same, because when you astral project, you don't have to go through the white light, or a tunnel. When you project, you usually go right where you would like to go, right away. Remember this, when you're out of the body, there is no time or no distance. Everything is right here, now. Astral projecting is a little different than the death experience, because in the death experience, you are getting ready to leave the body for the last time. During the death experience, a person sees the white light, and there is usually someone there that you know, waiting for you. When you astral project, you decide where you want to go.

Jones: When you leave your body, what happens to the physical body?

Gross: When your physical body sleeps and the astral body leaves, the physical body just rests. No harm can come to you through this.

Jones: What do you do when you leave the body?

Gross: I go to the astral plane and communicate with my teachers, I visit other places and other dimensions, and I visit my loved ones who have left the earth plane. There are many things you can do once you develop this skill.

Jones: It has been said that there is a silver cord attached to the body, and that this cord could be severed when you astrally project, thereby making it impossible to come back to your body. Is there a danger of this happening?

Gross: Absolutely not. The silver cord is connected to you when you enter the physical body for the first time, and it is not cut again until you leave for the last time. If this were possible, that you couldn't get back to the body, it would happen to you at night when you do leave the body. There is no danger in this; it is a gift given to us to learn how to use.
I have never tried this. This is amazing. I can go anywhere and even look our body and roam everywhere. After doing Astral Projection can we remember what have u done in after we have slept?
I m going to try it today midnight.


Astral Projection (or astral travel) is an interpretation of out-of-body experience (OBE) that assumes the existence of an "astral body" separate from the physical body and capable of traveling outside it.Astral projection or travel denotes the astral body leaving the physical body to travel in the astral plane.

The idea of astral travel is rooted in common worldwide religious accounts of the afterlife in which the consciousness or souls journey or ascent is decribed in such term as "an out-of-body experience,wherein the spiritual traveller leaves the physical body and travels in his/her subtle body (or dreambody or astral body)into 'higher' realms.It is therefore associated with near death experiences and is also frequently reported as spontaneously experienced in association with sleep and dreams,illness,surgical operations,drug experiences,sleep paralysis and forms of meditation.

It is sometimes attempted out of curiosity,or maybe believed to be necessary to,or the result of,some forms of spiritual practice.It may involve "travel to higher realms"called astral planes but is commonly used to described any sensation of being "out of the body" in the everyday world,even seeing one's body from outside or above.It maybe reported in the form of an apparitional experience,a supposed encounter with a doppelganger,some living person also seen somewhere else at the same time.