Auth Request (Alcher)

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People request auths in the private section all the time, it's in topic because I wanted it private, not for everone to see, lrn2punctuate.
You're going to get your auth a lot quicker if its in the right fourm
Ellie Goulding said:
People request auths in the private section all the time, it's in topic because I wanted it private, not for everone to see, lrn2punctuate.

Well, please don't request auth codes in that section. It is not meant for requests, this is the section you are supposed to request auth codes in. Even though you want it private, please request it in this section. We don't need every Elite member requesting there auth in there xD.
All Day Win said:
You're going to get your auth a lot quicker if its in the right fourm

@offtopic, I love your grammar so much, you are what I look up to in this "fourm".
@ontopic, alright, /thread I'll just use rs buddy, I found a script that works.
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