Auths Dump (BIG)

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Epic contribution once again Inxy are you sure they all work though?
I wouldn't really call that big but okay lol.
Inxy send them to me with the auth codes only and i can scan them and see which ones work or not.
Ireppgold said:
Inxy send them to me with the auth codes only and i can scan them and see which ones work or not.

Can't you see my original post?
yes but im lazy and dont want to delete the names.
Inxy said:
Content has been stripped. Go to the quoted post to view the content.Enjoy!

It may not be a BIG collection but I scanned through them and about 95% of them look quite good and valuable.

It would be nice if when you use the hidden feature it told you how many post it was in the side like (150) or something, I know it does when you can't read it but it'd be nice if it did when you could see it, seems pointless but satisfies me OCD.
Amped- said:
I wouldn't really call that big but okay lol.

He's still contributing, an auth is an auth whether it is 1 or 100.

Thanks Inxy
What the fuck! i posted this auth dump before and all you guys just thank him. What the fuck!
I love it how you took eape's dump and just reposted it and took all the thanks for it. XD
would you like to maybe pm these through? haha

only like 40 posts.... gotta get into it
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