
Onyx user!
Username: Steves
The auth/item you are requesting: Auto hunter pro
The reason you deserve this auth item: Renewing disabled auth. Need to make back the 100m that was scammed from me.=/
Anyone who's thinking of filling this request; do me a favor. Check this guys posts; if you still want to give him an auth after looking at the quality of his posts and realizing all his posts were for access to this section... then be my guest.

Sorry, It needed to be done @"steves".

There is going to be more where he come from.

We're not going to escape it.

We can't escape it, but we can try to enforce a stricter set of rules early out of the gate.

I don't know, its just my philosophy, I'm not telling anyone to do differently, merely giving them food for thought.
I completely agree with both of you. It should be like 100 posts, because then it shows the dedication from the member
i think that it doesnt really matter, rsbots sends out ban waves all at once and auth codes that have been used on more than one IP get banned. Making another section doesn't do shit, just because less people use the auth it doesnt make it less likely to get banned. I figured making this 20 posts thing was stupid so i simply upped my posts with like 5 nonsense posts. no biggie i think you guys just need to chill out but steezy you can do what you want since youve sent me a bunch of auths and i really appreciate it but this is my input.

But I also do realize that this is a dedication thing, i have invited some of my buddies to runegear and many of them have joined. I understand your frustration and I would like to help. Give me ideas of what could help people and i will try my best. Ive been playing runescape for 7+ years now and I really think i could help if neccessary. I will try to give a lot more in the future rather than just leech of of your gifts. thank you!
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