So, if a member achieved any award (not user-owned), wouldn't it be great for the ForumKorner system to immediately grant the person that award?
This would be really efficient rather than having hundreds of people comment to a thread to wait a week for staff to manually grant each person an award.
So, if someone gets 25 referrals, they immediately get that award. Or, if someone gets 1,000 posts, they get Poster.
This would aquire alot of coding to make a automatic awards system, MyAchievements does exist and it's automatic but making MyAwards
automatic you gotta re-code the whole plugin I believe. Nice idea though!
I'm sure there is already a system out there that they can implement on here to make it Easter then coding everything from scratch. Either way good idea!
It would be interesting if someone re-coded MyAwards to a automatic system, and in ACP you can choose which award(s) that can be earned automatically. Like group promotions, if you reach 1,000 posts you get into a group, maybe do the same but you get an award instead? Difficult.