AutoSuperHeat Pro vs Fallen's SuperHeater


Onyx user!
Is it just me or does AutoSuperHeat Pro suck. Sadly I bought the auth thinking it would do better yet it will only average 86k per hour on gold bars where as Fallen's gets me 115k per hour.

Which one is better?
Is there a guide to follow for superheating? I want to aim towards 99 smithing, and do you lose or make money?
Amped- said:
Is there a guide to follow for superheating? I want to aim towards 99 smithing, and do you lose or make money?

You lose money. I'm losing 253gp per superheat on gold bars. Steel bars loses like 30gp per superheat and mith bars makes money but is horrible xp.
I got about 70k an hour with steel bars on a free RsBuddy script......

Make cannonballs out of the steel bars for extra xp.
I'm doing C Gold, then superheating, then making them into bracelets... not losing any money, and actually gaining all the exp and cash.

But, I've not yet been matched with a superheater that can run for long periods of time without freaking the fuck out; logging out; bugging out; crashing... etc etc

so, idk.
fallen's is the best, getting 110k mage and 116k smith exp an hour
how do i add fallen's to rsbot im having issues with it :S
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